Nothing is more delightful than seeing all of your predictions come true. when an elderly jerk like me can still carry a conversation. -ADVERTISE- Not only am I capable of doing that, but I can also walk the walk.

I make good on my promises. And I have continued to do so this season. Everything that I had predicted has happened—and I mean everything.

That’s the reason I don’t plan to give up on this game after over ninety years of playing. Without me, conventional sports media in Scotland would be lost. Both you and I are aware of it. I remain the lone voice of reason in a world where clicks, fish bait, and bloggers rule supreme. Or, as I like to call them, blaggers, because they constantly talk about the unpleasant things.

aside from me, of course. since I’ve had his back the entire season. The fans of Celtics ought to hang their heads in shame. They were still referring to Rodgers as Judas and anticipating his failure, even though I welcomed him back with open arms. When Rodgers and his squad lost to Kilmarnock in the League Cup in early August, the knives were already out. However, I insisted that people should be patient with him and give him some time. As I had predicted, the great pretender Michael Beale fell flat on his face, and with the entrance of Philippe Clemence, I knew Rodgers would be put to the test even more.

But I also knew he would pass the examination. When I projected that he would still be here in May, I mentioned as much. I never had any doubts that Rodgers would prevail, even as Clemence and his motley crew of charges began to chip away at Rodgers’ seven-point advantage. And thus, with two games remaining in the season, I sit here feeling pretty much justified.

I can assure you that it’s an amazing feeling. especially if you can force it down the throats of the blaggers. They expend all of their energy criticizing my publications and pointing out the errors in my forecasts. Who is laughing now, though? More importantly, who’s laughing the hardest right now? On Wednesday night, I believe it will be me at around ten o’clock. And yeah, once again, I’m making predictions about what will happen. Once more, I will be correct. Many predicted that Rodgers would leave Celtic in May. I did not belong to them.

I merely mentioned how much pressure he was under from his own fan base that I’d be astonished if he was still here by then. But he would be, I knew. And now I feel justified. That thing I mentioned a few weeks ago about not risking the grandkids’ inheritance on Celtic winning at Dens?

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