Astrologer Susan Miller provided insight into the year ahead, sharing it exclusively. Find out what to expect for each zodiac sign and how to make the most of 2024.
Are you ready to see where the stars will align in the new year? We have you.We spoke to celebrity astrologer Susan Miller about her predictions for 2024 and what each zodiac sign should expect. But it reminds us that you must put in the effort to reap the rewards that the universe sends your way. “You have to work with the universe,” he exclusively told E! Susan, who published her annual Year Ahead! News. ‘If I tell you that you have good qualities, you can’t just sit there and hope someone will knock on the door. You have to do something to show your intention.A perfect example of working with the universe and not against the universe occurs on May 17, the “happiest day of the year,” according to the founder of Astrology Zone. As she said, “That day you have to do something that is hard to accomplish because you have the universe behind you.”Now that you know what the luckiest day of 2024 is, read on to see Susan’s brilliant predictions for every sign of the new year. Aries (March 21 – April 19): “I am in a glorious phase of financial reward. It started in May last year and will end on May 25, 2024. Then Jupiter will move to another part of the chart, and when it does, they will be able to travel much more than they do now. We are not talking about foreign countries, we are talking about domestic travel, but about luxury and beautiful experiences.
“Taurus (April 20 – May 20): “Taurus can get anything they want. Their one true love is a very important part of Jupiter conjunct the Sun. But when Jupiter enters Gemini, they will begin to profit from the seeds they are planting now and have done so for the last six months. We must do it now because as soon as we enter Gemini on Jupiter, the seeds will germinate in the garden.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): “Gemini can’t wait to get it next. They wear the crown from May 25, 2024 to early June 2025. All changes that occur for Gemini are internal in nature. Their new desires, their new ideas, the things they want to achieve, they plan and develop strategies. Maybe some of them are currently working on a book because they are the most gifted sign when it comes to writing, speaking, editing, the internet, and digital skills. I think we will see the publishing industry do very well once Jupiter moves into Gemini.
”Cancer (June 21 – July 22): “Cancer needs to expand their friendships. I want them to join a club, a social club or a professional club – whatever their industry is, join it. Go to a conference , talk to people, be open. I want them to be able to socialize until May 25.Then they can go to their quiet stage and meditate on their next special year, which will begin in mid-2025.
“Leo (July 23 – August 22): “Leo is having the best year of his career ever. They are making all the news and reaching new heights. This is an incredibly wonderful year to be a Leo. Love comes after May 25, but before then I want them to work, work, work and really think about their reputation. This is the year they shine and take their careers to the next level.
“Virgo (August 23 – September 22): “They have some of the best aspects of long-distance travel. I want them to turn their compass and look for a good package because they will be lucky. I want them to travel before May 25 because they’re getting into what Leo has now: the most amazing career aspect ever.But due to Saturn, their closest relationship is put to the test. If they have a good relationship, they will pass this test easily. If it’s shaky, it’s best to see a relationship therapist.
Libra (September 23 – October 22): “Libra is an interesting case. They are so tired of having unexpected expenses and the universe feels a little guilty about it. They are money magnets right now, especially in January. They could get a royalty fee, it could be an inheritance, it could be a lottery.
”Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): “Scorpio has the best marital aspects. They can get engaged on Christmas or Valentine’s Day. They also have a magic in this: they will make a lot of money in the second half of next year.” Maybe a bonus or performance-based compensation.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): “They don’t like getting married, they’re terrified of it. But Sagittarius will have the best aspects of commitment from May 25 and for a full 12 months. Fitness and health are fantastic – this is a very athletic sign in the beginning. And he also gets fun assignments, assignments he really enjoys.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): “They have the best love aspects: true romantic love. For them, it’s just magical, but only until May 25.
»Aquarius (January 20-February 18): “Aquarius currently has the real estate aspects. You can buy a house or renovate it at such a price that it increases in value. You can buy, sell, renovate, refresh and redecorate. They must close their nest because after May 25 they can invite love. They will have the best love aspects that Taurus, Gemini and Capricorn will have.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20): “If Pisces wants to buy a house, they will have to wait until the second half of the year – the beginning of June, July or August – because they have very good prospects for housing construction by now June 2025.
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