DONE DEAL:Newcastle United confirm Bournemouth defender Lloyd Kelly as first summer signing

Defender Lloyd Kelly will join Newcastle United when his Bournemouth contract expires in July, the club has revealed.Regards: PA

Lloyd Kelly, a defender for Bournemouth, is Newcastle United’s first summer acquisition.

When the 25-year-old’s contract at Vitality Stadium expires on July 1st, the transfer will be finalized.

Kelly, who can play center half as well as left back, is said to have agreed to a five-year contract. He will wear the number 25 shirt.

Kelly remarked, “It’s amazing to be coming here,” following the confirmation of his move to St. James’ Park. I just want to get started right away because I understand how important the club is to all of the fans and how large it is.

“It’s a big move for the family and me; living in the south obviously makes things different, but I think Newcastle is a great city because of the contrast between the city and the countryside.”

“I didn’t have a hard time deciding to come here. Having previously worked with the gaffer, I am aware of his expectations for his players’ performance, and I believe my contributions will make a positive impact. I really cannot wait to get going.Eddie Howe

Newcastle head coach EdKelly was signed by Newcastle’s head coach Eddie Howe while he was at Bournemouth.Regards: PA

Eddie Howe, the head coach of Newcastle now, first signed Kelly to a five-year contract at Bournemouth.

When preseason training for the upcoming campaign begins, the 46-year-old acknowledged he was excited to collaborate with the defense once more.

Howe expressed his happiness at getting Lloyd’s signature. “He’s a player who has shown himself in the Premier League, and I have no doubt that he will be a fantastic addition as we get ready for the upcoming campaign.

I’ve respected Lloyd as a player ever since he first started playing. He offers versatility and leadership skills to our team, which I think will make him a wonderful match and someone our supporters will quickly come to like, in addition to his undeniable defensive prowess.

“Although Lloyd is still young and has a lot of Premier League experience under his belt, he still has room to grow.” He has a lot of promise, and I’m eager to collaborate with him once more.die Howe signed Kelly while at Bournemouth.Credit: PA

Kelly spent five years at Bournemouth where he was initially signed by current Newcastle head coach Eddie Howe.

The 46-year-old admitted he was looking forward to working with the defender again when preparations for next season get underway.

“I’m really pleased to have secured Lloyd’s signature,” Howe said. “He’s a player who’s proven himself at Premier League level and I’m certain he’ll be a great addition as we prepare for the new season.

“Lloyd is a player I’ve admired since the early stages of his career. Alongside his undoubted defensive ability, he brings versatility and leadership qualities that I believe will make him a great fit within our squad and somebody our supporters will quickly take to.

“He has plenty of Premier League experience already under his belt, yet Lloyd’s at an age where he can still develop. He has a lot of potential and I’m really looking forward to working with him again.”


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