EXCLUSIVE: Rangers and Celtic Champions League qualifier verdict as Craig Moore dismisses unbeaten title

The former Ibrox captain reckons both clubs will fail to go their remaining games unbeaten before the end of the season

Rangers and Celtic will do battle for a spot in next season's Champions League
Rangers and Celtic will compete for a spot in next season’s Champions League.

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Craig Moore predicts neither Celtic nor Rangers will win all of their remaining league games before a winner is determined.

The former Ibrox captain was questioned if the Premiership’s eventual victor will be able to win every tie from now until the conclusion of the season, given the race is as close as it has been in years. But Big Oz feels that will not be the case, and there may still be some twists and turns before the trophy is handed out before the summer.

Moore, when asked which of the major two would go into the Champions League competition next year with winner’s medals from the Premiership around their necks, said: “I’m going to go Rangers.” But I still believe there will be some dropped points.

“Celtic. I made Rangers favourites a couple of weeks ago but now I really feel Celtic have turned the screw a little bit,” he remarked. “Their performance at Ibrox was fantastic, particularly in the first 45 minutes, so Celtic. The significance of winning the league for both teams cannot be overstated.

“Straight into the Champions League, with nearly a £40 million war chest that both would want. Investing in the team and everything else that money provides, from home game packages to amazing atmosphere, excellent squads, and even great road games.

“I was fortunate to play in the Champions League, and Craig would have done the same; it is the pinnacle of football, the best competition in the world. Even just standing in queue and hearing the song is fantastic.”

Moore added: “Unfortunately, so far – and it makes no difference whether it’s Rangers or Celtic – the Champions League is beyond the two of them. They can compete, but they are unable to discover a way out. At the same time, bang on, you aim for the highest, and to be a part of it is incredible.”

When host Paul Cooney noted the big money that may eventually find its way into the coffers at Celtic Park if they win the trophy – in addition to the cashpot already in the bank – Hartson chuckled: “They might give Brendan £5million to spend!”

Moore then added: “They didn’t give him much to spend in the last window.” It’s surprising that he hasn’t spent any money at Celtic.


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