Insulting our intelligence’ – Let’s applaud boycott of Premier League-backed competition

I applaud Eastleigh for taking the brave decision to withdraw from the newly created National League Cup. I only wish my own team, Woking FC, had done the same thing.

In case you missed it, a new 32-club regionalised midweek competition has been created which will see 16 Premier League U21 teams take on 16 National League teams in a group stage/knockout format

With Tottenham, Stoke City, and Newcastle United in the opening round of fixtures, it starts in October and lasts until April. Right now, I can state with absolute certainty that it will not benefit National League clubs in the slightest and will probably dash many of our aspirations. The competition is “designed to give young players from Premier League and EFL clubs additional opportunities to test themselves against senior opposition, with the aim of further aiding elite player development,” according to a joint statement from the Premier League and National League.

“an opportunity to play regular matches against the best Under-21 teams in England at their own stadiums, with this additional exposure intended to improve the playing and spectator experience, as well as the clubs’ growth and sustainability,” is the benefit for the non-league teams engaged. Although it’s said that National League Clubs will keep all gate proceeds, in reality, there won’t be many of them. Are people really going to be drawn out into freezing November nights while the Champions League is on to witness what should probably be pre-season friendlies?

Since they see things for what they are, the majority of people with whom I have spoken have already called this out for what it is. Academy kids’ training drills will exhaust National League regulars in their already packed schedules. Yes, that’s something we’ve all heard before, but as we move down the pyramid, the pressures increase even more.

I can certainly believe Eastleigh when they say that the National League teams were not contacted prior to the decision to start this competition. Ultimately, there was no consultation over the elimination of FA Cup replays, which provided English football with incredible once-in-a-lifetime experiences that are regrettably now in the past and functioned as “lottery wins” for clubs at our level. Even if it means losing 12-0 every week, I sincerely hope we play our own academy players in these games if it means Woking can fulfill their promotion dreams and reach the promised land of the EFL.

The introduction of this competition adds credence to long-standing worries that Premier League U21 teams would eventually dilute the National League. Give us back the FA Cup replays and, while we’re at it, let’s make the National League/League Two a “three up, three down” competition! Never mind insulting our intelligence with another Mickey Mouse Cup competition!

I could go on, but I’ll let Eastleigh finish it since she said it so well: “It is incumbent on the clubs to push back against developments that devalue our national sport, something we believe this cup competition does, if we truly value our football pyramid, which is often held up as something we should be proud of and unique.”

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